In publications below, we have located a copy of the book First World War Heroes of Wotton under Edge written by Bill Griffiths. He has kindly allowed us to make this information available for people to read and for a small charge download. Bill still owns the copyright and therefore the book is not available (nor any part of it) to be used commercially without his permission.

Write to us at The Heritage Centre, The Chipping, Wotton under Edge GL12 7AD or email us on: and we can arrange the transmission of the pdf in exchange for a donation of £12.00p


We're on Facebook!

Wotton Heritage Centre has a facebook page so you can have rolling updates on the activities of the Historical Society, Museum and Heritage Centre.


So, What's Special About Wortley?

Dr. David Wilson of Keele University, Director of Excavations at Wortley from 1983 to 1996, gives an overview of the finding at this Roman site.


Tyndale and Venn

Hugh Phillips takes a fairly light-hearted look at their place in History.